The Code for TipToe.

Write a function to get the values entered by the user, parse them into ints, then call generateNumbers
Generate the numbers using a for loop
Display the numbers on the screen, making the even ones BOLD

function getNumbers() {
let firstNum = document.getElementById("firstNum").value
let secondNum = document.getElementById("secondNum").value
let ttData = []

// attempt to parse into integers
firstNum = parseInt(firstNum)
secondNum = parseInt(secondNum)

if (Number.isInteger(firstNum) && Number.isInteger(secondNum)) {
let ttData = calculate(firstNum, secondNum)
} else {
alert("You must enter integers")

function calculate(firstNum, secondNum) {

let ttCalculated = []

for (let i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { if (i % firstNum==0 && i % secondNum==0) { ttCalculated.push("TipToe") } else if (i %
  firstNum==0) { ttCalculated.push("Tip") } else if (i % secondNum==0) { ttCalculated.push("Toe") } else {
  ttCalculated.push(i) } } return ttCalculated } function displayData(ttData) { //get the table body element from the
  page let tableBody=document.getElementById("results") //get the row from the template let
  templateRow=document.getElementById("ttTemplate") //clear table first tableBody.innerHTML="" for (let i=0; i <
  ttData.length; i +=5) { // grab the template from the html page const
  tableRow=document.importNode(templateRow.content, true) //grab only the columns in the template
  rowCols=tableRow.querySelectorAll("td") rowCols[0].classList.add(ttData[i]) rowCols[0].textContent=ttData[i]
  rowCols[1].classList.add(ttData[i + 1]) rowCols[1].textContent=ttData[i + 1] rowCols[2].classList.add(ttData[i + 2])
  rowCols[2].textContent=ttData[i + 2] rowCols[3].classList.add(ttData[i + 3]) rowCols[3].textContent=ttData[i + 3]
  rowCols[4].classList.add(ttData[i + 4]) rowCols[4].textContent=ttData[i + 4] tableBody.appendChild(tableRow) } }